Book Reviews and More

Hi! This blog is for my classes at Texas Woman's University.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Summer Reading and Writing Challenge

Hello to all,

  To most, Memorial Day weekend means the 'unofficial' start to summer. I look forward to summer each year, mostly because it means no homework for the kids. Although, I will be taking graduate school classes this summer, so it means that I will still have homework to do!

  I don't know about y'all, but if I'm not careful, summer will be filled with all kinds of fun things - but not with regular writing. So I'm determined this summer to make sure I don't let my personal writing goals get sidetracked.

  I decided to start a summer writing challenge for myself, and thought it would be more fun to get others involved - and help increase my accountability! Plus, because I'm hoping that summer will mean a little more time to read or listen to audiobooks, I thought it might be good to add that challenge to the mix too.

  So for the writing challenge: If you write novels, you can pick a word/page count per day or per week. If you write picture books, mix it up however you want since obviously the word counts will vary. If you're revising a current project, then maybe set a page count or time limit each day or week.

  For the reading challenge: Pick a number of books you want to pick to read this summer or maybe you want to read all the books by a certain author, or all the books on a list (such as the Texas Bluebonnet list or the NY Times Bestseller list or even your kids' summer reading list).

  So here are the rules (although they are really mostly guidelines ;)

  1. Post a comment and let me know you want to participate in this challenge or you can email me at ebgrje (at) gmail (dot) com.

  2. Pick your challenge! It can be the writing challenge, the reading challenge, or both!

  3. For accountability - every week I'll ask for everybody to post or email me their results. I wish I could handle a daily email check-in, but I think with vacations and homework, once a week will work better for this challenge.

  4. Join at any time over the summer - as Flylady says "You are not behind! I don't want you to try and catch up; I just want you to jump in where we are."

  5. Have fun! This is really just a challenge so we don't let our creative juices dry out over the summer or maybe to help restart you if you've been off your writing/reading game for a while.

  My part - in addition to asking for accountability each week, I'll be posting about the writing/reading life to help keep us inspired and moving forward throughout the summer.

 So here are my goals: Writing: 500 words 5 days a week (total 2,500 words a week). Reading: Read all the books on the current Texas Bluebonnet list and the 2X2 Reading list (see my previous post for links to these lists).

  What are your writing and reading goals this summer? Hope you join me in the challenge!

  Take care, McCourt


  1. Hey, McCourt, I'll join you! Summer always seems to slow my progress, so maybe this will keep me feeling competitive. I won't post reading goals, except that I'll read part of a MG or YA novel every day but I'll aim for 5K words a week.

  2. Woo-hoo Vonna! So glad that you can join us. Your goal of 5K a week sounds great! :) I always think I'm going to have more time to write in the summer, but it never quite works out that way. So hopefully this challenge will help us all! Our check-in day is going to be on Mondays, so I will email the group and post reminders on the blog to keep us motivated. Welcome!

  3. I want to join! My writing goal (starting June 9th) will be 500 words M-F and my reading goal will be all the Bluebonnet books as well as the Name That Book list for Houston ISD. Thanks for the kick in the butt!

    1. Great Melissa! So glad that you will be joining us! Your goals look great and thanks for the heads up on the Name That Book list for Houston ISD. I wasn't familiar with those lists - they look like great selections. Welcome to the challenge :)

  4. I just saw your post on the listserv and decided to jump in. I'll go for 2,000 words per week. Thanks!

    1. Hi Liz! So glad that you're going to join us. Your word count looks great. Our check-in is on Monday so I'll be touching base soon. Welcome to the challenge! :)
